Mr. Adeolu Dara

Ex-Officio Member 1

Deolu Dara holds a Bachelor of Environmental Science degree and a Master of Environmental Design degree (Architecture), from the University of Lagos, Akoka. He also holds an MBA degree from the Pan African University’s Lagos Business School.

He has over 13 years experience in corporate finance, business development, project and development management, design strategy and Implementation.

He is also an amateur jazz saxophonist and an avid art collector with an eye for African and Asian contemporary art. He owns a small car business that evolved from his love for automobile engineering and detailing.

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Dr Umar Muhammad

National Chair

Mr. Ifeanyi Nwoye

National Auditor

Ms. Ilamosi Ekenimoh

Ex-Officio Member 2

Mr. Olusegun Adeniyi

National Organising Secretary